Wilhelm has had a remarkable career as an interaction designer and project manager since he started in 2011. In the beginning, he mainly worked on projects based on customer orders, helping them to flesh out their visions through user stories, technical specifications and wireframes. However, at the time he felt that insight work was missing as an important phase in the projects. This desire for a deeper understanding of insight work and concept development inspired him to take a master's degree in London.
Today, Wilhelm is a leader of the UX specialist group, and he is involved in a number of different tasks. Wilhelm is an experienced and knowledgeable wizard within UX and innovation. One of his tasks is to develop and improve the routines for interviews, competence mapping and follow-up. He realizes the importance of being structured during interviews in order to be able to make better and more objective decisions. By establishing a common mental model for discussing experiences, he achieves better results and avoids unnecessary influences during the interviews.
Wilhelm has previously used Design Thinking as part of his work, and he has developed a continuous improvement in his ability to assess good, mediocre and less good answers from the candidates. He emphasizes creating a comfortable atmosphere for the candidates, even if they may be nervous. He emphasizes that nervousness is not necessarily a sign of a lack of professional competence.
In order to create a common understanding and model in the recruitment process, Wilhelm explores solutions that go beyond the classic cases. However, he says that this approach is not necessarily suitable for all types of companies, and it is important to structure the interviews in a way that best suits the specific situation.
As a natural extension of the interviews, Wilhelm considers it appropriate to present a small case to the candidates. This provides a common starting point for the conversation and makes it easier to discuss concrete challenges and potential solutions. He also sees the need for a simpler tool for regular follow-up of colleagues in the specialist group. Wilhelm suggests creating a simple table that deals with different themes and goals.
Wilhelm shares the experience he has gained through several years of projects and deliveries in NAV. He greatly appreciates the thorough insight he was able to gain through his work with the users. Through in-depth interviews and thematic analyses, he gained valuable insights that helped him better understand the users' needs. He emphasizes that methodology and delivery processes have developed over time, and he specifically mentions a more agile approach in the development of a new messaging service for social assistance users and supervisors. Through collaboration with a municipality, they were able to create a test solution outside the usual systems, which allowed rapid iteration and testing of new ideas without the usual constraints.
Continuous learning and development is something that motivates Wilhelm in his role as a consultant. He recognizes that he is particularly skilled in the initial and closing phases of projects, where insight work, data collection, analysis and evaluation play an important role. However, he wants to improve his ability to facilitate idea generation in different types of workshops. Wilhelm sees connections between defining needs and business goals, and he highlights the Lean Value Tree as a method he likes, based on his experiences from his time at NAV. He also sees how UX processes can be transferred to other areas of life to understand and break down complex issues.